Welcome to the (18)60's

This year started out a bit differently than most - instead of sewing something from the 18th century, I welcomed 2019 by making something from the 1860's!

One of my friends suggested that we go ice skating in 19th century clothing, and I loved that idea! However, my Civil War corset was no longer fit properly to me, my gown was made of polyester, and I didn't have a hoop skirt... so, I decided to make an entire 1860's ensemble. Long story short, I made a giant hoop skirt (and matching ballgown), which, while completely awesome, ended up being impractical for ice skating.

The hoop skirt still in progress... it only got bigger! 

I was going for a look like this one, so I drew scale lines and used math to make my own... I should have chosen a smaller model...

Luckily, the friend who suggested ice skating in 19th century clothing also has a ton of Civil War gowns, and was able to loan me one, with a smaller hoop skirt, so all I needed to bring for myself was my new corset. And my corset is my favorite part!

Yay for fellow nerd friends!

I've been wanting to try out a Redthreaded pattern for a while now, and so this was the perfect opportunity. I downloaded the 1860's Gored Corset pattern, and everything came together really quickly! The pattern was easy to follow, and using steel boning from Burnley and Trowbridge meant that I didn't have to cut any metal.

I am thrilled with how well the corset fits, and it was extremely comfortable for ice skating too! Now I just need to fix up the rest of my 1860's kit, and find some more excuses to wear it!

I apparently make a lot of weird faces while talking, but I loved this hat that my friend let me borrow when I got cold!


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